Enlarge The band is teasing a new full-length album coming this summer.

Orbit Culture Unveil Finale to Three-Part Video Series, “The Shadowing”


Swedish metal act Orbit Culture are back with the final installment of a three-part video series, concluding the conceptual quest they embarked upon with “Nensha” and “Rebirth” last year. In the new clip for “The Shadowing,” released as a standalone single (for now), the band set out to do something different. Explains vocalist/guitarist Niklas Karlsson:

“The idea of telling a story came to light early in the process of writing the album. We felt pretty tired of our older videos just having us playing the song from start to finish, and we wanted to do something more creative with the visual presentation of the album. I won’t lie, this album has been the hardest and most difficult set of songs I’ve ever worked with, but it garnered amazing results. You’ll see what I mean once the album drops, but until then, enjoy ‘The Shadowing’ and we can’t wait to finally reveal our third album, Nija, for all of you soon.”

As the man said, Orbit Culture’s new full-length album, Nija, will be coming soon — this summer! — released via Seek and Strike. Have a watch of the video below.

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