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Bumblefoot (Ex-Guns N’ Roses) Releases New Song “Planetary Lockdown”

  • Axl Rosenberg

Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal — best known for being one of only two guitarists in the entire world to have to put up with Axl Rose and Scott Weiland — has released a new solo track called “Planetary Lockdown.” It’s not clear what inspired the title of the song, and it’s instrumental, so there are no lyrics to give you any clues. It is a confounding mystery.

Kidding aside, if you’re into melodic hard rock with impressive guitar pyrotechnics — and who amongst us isn’t? — “Planetary Lockdown” is definitely worth a listen. Of the 164 guitarists who have been in Guns N’ Roses, I don’t know if Mr. Foot was anyone’s favorite… but there’s no denying that the dude can shred with the best of ’em. In fact, a statement accompanying the song’s release asserts that “No guitar parts were sped up or unnaturally edited – solos were played in real-time, using a Line6 Helix pitch-delay effect.” Which just makes the whole thing all the more impressive.

Listen to “Planetary Lockdown” below, and/or buy it for a buck here.

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