Enlarge The internet has nothing but free time on its hands right now.

Alanis in Chains: The Alanis Morissette + Alice in Chains Mash-Up You Seek!


The internet knows no shortage of mash-ups, and that’s especially so in the era of nothing but time on your hands. Unless you have kids, like me, in which case you have no time and you’ll just have to leave it to the single folk. Either way, many, many people have nothing but time (the best people! everyone is saying it!), making for quite the creative era on the internet as a whole.

And with that, here’s a mash-up of Alice in Chains’ “Would?” and Alanis Morissette’s “You Oughta Know,” two previously unrelated songs, that combines the music of the former with the vocal track of the latter. For the most part it holds up, save a few key mismatches, although it starts to get a bit weird at the end… but hey, what else are you doing now, right? Jam it below.

Thanks: Chris H. of I Was Awake and Baragon.

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