Enlarge The hour-long performance spans the band's entire career.

Watch Pro-Shot Footage of Trivium’s Entire Set From Resurrection Fest 2019

  • Axl Rosenberg

Trivium’s Matt Heafy has been doing a most excellent job keeping us all entertained during the quarantine via his Twitch channel, on which he’s performed the albums Ascendancy and Shogun in full, as well as Trivium’s would-be set from Knotfest Japan, amongst other things. Still, nothing beats seeing Trivium in full force, playing as a quartet.

So you should stoked to learn that the organizers of Resurrection Fest are now streaming pro-shot footage of Trivium’s entire set from last year’s iteration of the festival. The hour-long performance spans the band’s entire career (save for their upcoming album What the Dead Men Say, of course), and, unfortunately, may be your best chance of seeing the band perform for some time.

Watch the video below. Below that, check out Vince’s recent chat with Trivium bassist Paolo Gregoletto as part of his recent Quarantinecast!

[via Metal Injection]

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