Enlarge Casey Sabol and Matt Garstka join the band's core of Jacob Umansky (Intervals), Ivan Chopik and Alan Hankers.

Ex-Periphery and Animals as Leaders Members Guest on New Jia Track, “Drift”


Progressive metal trio Jia has revealed a new single, “Drift,” featuring guest appearances by former Periphery vocalist Casey Sabol and current Animals as Leaders drummer Matt Garstka.

The band’s core, bassist Jacob Umansky (Intervals), guitarist Ivan Chopik and keyboardist Alan Hankers, has spent the last year working on new music despite their bi-coastal locations, and they plan to release it piecemeal over the next several months.

Comments the band on “Drift:”

“’Drift’ was one of the first songs that we wrote as a band. It reflects our diverse musical influences, ranging from metal to more popular idioms such as electronic music. That being said, we never think about style when we write, we just let the ideas flow.”

Have a listen to the track below.

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