Enlarge "Everything’s still a go," says the drummer.

Tommy Lee Confident That Mötley Crüe’s Summer Tour Won’t Be Cancelled

  • Axl Rosenberg

Will Mötley Crüe’s summer stadium reunion tour with Def Leppard, Poison, Joan Jett, and Tic Tac Tuk Tuk (or whatever the hell they’re called) still happen? Shockingly, we here at MetalSucks are cynical about it prospects. Not at all shockingly, Crüe drummer Tommy Lee is considerably more optimistic. From a new interview with Billboard:

“Everything’s still a go. We’re all in constant communication. [Bassist] Nikki [Sixx] and I have been in several production meetings. You’re talking multiple stadiums, so it’s like two kids in a candy store putting together something people are going to walk [away from] saying, ‘Are you f–king kidding me?!’ That’s our mission right now, and it’s definitely headed in that direction.”

It’s only responsible of the band to proceed as though the trek, which is scheduled to begin June 18, is still happening (which means that my busting of his balls aside, Vince Neil is doing the right thing by continuing to get into fighting shape). But we’re already starting to see the cancellation/ postponement of other shows meant to take place right around the same time, both in the U.S. and abroad. I am pulling for this thing to go off without a hitch, butttt… yeah I dunno guys. I wouldn’t get my hopes up.

[via Metal Injection]

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