Enlarge The three shows will benefit Vancouver General Hospital, the NHS, and New York Hospitals.

Devin Townsend Announces Online Concerts for Medical Charities

  • Axl Rosenberg

The fans had Devin Townsend’s back during his time of financial need. Now Devy is giving back: the much-beloved musician will play three online concerts via the streaming service StageIt, with the proceeds going to three separate charities, all of which could use a hand during the coronavirus pandemic. There was a slight amount of confusing communication in Devin’s initial tweets, but I believe the schedule for the shows/ charities is as follows:

  • Saturday, April 18 – Benefitting Vancouver General Hospital
  • Saturday, April 25 – Benefitting the U.K.’s National Health Service
  • Saturday, May 2 – Benefitting New York Hosptials

The concerts will also eventually be available for download, in case you can’t catch ’em live. Although I don’t know what the fuck else you’ve got going on those days.

Stay tuned for more details…

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