Enlarge The auction is meant as an alternative to an in-person event which can no longer happen as a result of the ongoing worldwide pandemic.

Tony Iommi Auctioning Items to Raise Money for Hometown Hospitals

  • Axl Rosenberg

Black Sabbath guitarist Tony Iommi has announced plans to auction off items to benefit the Heartlands hospital charity, which is ostensibly a philanthropic umbrella group for four separate hospitals in Iommi’s hometown of Birmingham, England.

The auction is meant as an alternative to an in-person event which can no longer happen as a result of the ongoing worldwide pandemic.

Says Iommi in a statement:

“News of a charity auction commencing Monday:

“We were about to announce a charity ‘evening with Tony Iommi’ to raise some money for the Birmingham hospitals, when this awful virus struck. Now as all charitable events have been cancelled, I wanted to still do something to help. So, I’ve put a few things together of my own up for auction. All the money raised will go to the Birmingham’s Heartlands hospital charity.

“Please! I hope that you can help, they really do need our support ! Without these doctors and nurses, what would we do….we owe them so much! — Tony”

Iommi didn’t specify what items would be up for auction, nor did he provide a link for bidding. But since he said the auction would commence today, it seems safe to assume that these details will be provided shortly. We’ll update this post as soon as the link is available; in the meantime, keep your eyes peeled to Iommi’s Facebook page for more info.

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