Enlarge Additionally, an unspecified portion of the proceeds from the sale of each design will be donated to directrelief.org.

Megadeth: Buy Merch, Get a Free Vic Rattlehead Surgical Face Mask

  • Axl Rosenberg

Megadeth are now offering two new merch designs — and purchasing either one will get you a free Vic Rattlehead surgical face mask (above). Additionally, an unspecified portion of the proceeds from the sale of each design will be donated to directrelief.org, an organization dedicated to providing “personal protective equipment and essential medical items to health workers responding to coronavirus (COVID-19).”

The designs are below. The long sleeve is $45, the t-shirt is $30.

Megadeth: Buy Merch, Get a Free Vic Rattlehead Surgical Face Mask
Megadeth: Buy Merch, Get a Free Vic Rattlehead Surgical Face Mask

Some fans will surely see this as a gauche cash-in on the current pandemic. But now that the CDC is recommending cloth face coverings for everyone, and surgical masks are basically impossible to get, it doesn’t strike me as being all that offensive. Just my two cents.

You can pre-order these items here. They’re expected to ship in late April.

[via Metal Injection]

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