Enlarge I hereby declare a moratorium on using this song title.

Vader Release One of the Eight Best Metal Songs Ever Titled “Into Oblivion”

  • Axl Rosenberg

We’re all friends here, right? I can be honest with you, can’t I? Okay, then. I’ll be honest:

I cannot think of anything to say about Vader’s new song, “Into Oblivon,” that could not be set about literally any other Vader song.

Fuck, I can’t think of anything to be said about Vader’s new song, “Into Oblivion,” that could not be said about literally any other metal song called “Into Oblivon.”

Normally I’d take full responsibility for this fact. But in this instance, I think Vader deserve at least some of the blame. I mean. C’mon guys. Write a new riff. At come up with a new goddamn title. Just work with me here.

Vader’s new album, Solitude in Madness, is out May 1.

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