Enlarge The track offers the mix of EDM and metalcore you'd expect.

Listen: I Prevail Collaborate on New Track with EDM Artists Illenium and Excision


I’m not big on the nu-metalcore scene, but I admit that I Prevail have grown on me a bit. That “Bow Down” song, perhaps through endless radio play, has wormed its way into my brain… it’s catchy! And heavy! And neither in a cheesy way. This band deserves the massive success they’ve achieved in recent years.

I Prevail’s latest effort is a collaboration with EDM artists / DJs Illenium and Excision, and it sounds pretty much like what you’d expect: those elements mixed with both I Prevail’s clean and growled vocals. It starts as a ballad but closes with a bang, so there’s a little something here for everyone. Could this be the crossover smash of the spring? The soundtrack to a nation’s quarantine? I don’t know shit about shit when it comes to EDM, but sure, why not? Jam it below.

[via The PRP]

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