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Sepultura’s Andreas Kisser Says These Are the Best Metal Guitar Solos of All Time

  • Axl Rosenberg

I think it’s safe to say that Sepultura’s Andreas Kisser probably knows a lot of about the ins and outs of playing metal guitar. This being the case, you might be interested to check out this playlist he made for Metal Hammer of his favorite metal guitar solos (and do please note that he said “favorite,” not “best”).

Says Kisser of the playlist:

 “They’re not in a specific order. I feel these guitar players were my teachers, they showed me the way with their amazing leads and riffs. I spent hours rewinding my cassette tapes to learn their solos – it was a great school to me. Today I still love to play them, they still inspire me.

“I think what makes a great guitar solo, is the honest feeling of the player, regardless of their techniques and abilities with the instrument. It has to have soul, passion and a message. A solo needs to ‘talk’ with the listener, in my opinion, it’s stronger than any word.”

Check out the playlist — which includes all the Big Four bands, Pantera, Exodus, and more — below.

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