Enlarge Let it never be said that this band wants for creativity.

Cattle Decapitation’s New Music Video Was Filmed on Cell Phones During Self-Isolation

  • Axl Rosenberg

Let it never be said that Cattle Decapitation want for creativity. The fact that the band’s members are all currently in self-isolation and therefore couldn’t gather together didn’t stop them from filming a new music video for the title track from last year’s Bring Back the Plague — and no, they didn’t pull a Chris Barnes like a bunch of assholes. Instead, they each filmed their own parts on their cellphones while stuck at home, and then edited it altogether, along with some other fun stock footage I won’t spoil for you here. They even managed to sneak a Tiger King reference in there. The result is a really fun music video that is very much of the moment.

Says frontman Travis Ryan of the clip:

“With the cancellation of our ironically titled ‘Europandemic Tour’ and social distancing recommendations set in place, we found ourselves with not much to do. So we figured why not address the elephant in the room in the form of a music video for ‘Bring Back The Plague’ and just film it on our mobile phones instead of with an actual crew. Dave [McGraw] didn’t even have access to a drum kit, and nobody is leaving their houses anyway, so we decided to lighten the mood with a video. Everything from the band name to the lyrics to the merchandise to the imagery have always been heavily steeped in metaphors and irony always with tongue firmly in cheek, so this new video by David Hall at Uneasy Sleeper may just be our coup de gras…for better, or for worse. Just don’t take it too seriously, we obviously didn’t. Sit back, have a laugh if you can, and stay the fuck home.”

I cannot encourage you to watch this video enough! You can do so below. And, oh, incidentally, Bring Back the Plague was, in this blogger’s not-so-humble opinion, the best metal album of 2019. If you don’t already own a copy, you can get one here!

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