Enlarge The president has hailed Brown for his service to America in defiance of the Fake Metal News.

Trapt’s Chris Taylor Brown Praised by Donald Trump


Trapt frontman Chris Taylor Brown, who in recent weeks has taken to fighting for the freedom of Americans through the band’s Twitter account, has been recognized for his outstanding service to the nation by President Trump.

The headstrong singer has been systematically taking on members of the music community and beyond, echoing the current administration’s views that there is no such thing as white privilege, that those who are discriminated against should stop adopting a victim mentality, and that the Chinese Virus currently circulating around the world is no worse than the common flu.

The president issued a statement through his Twitter account at 5:41am this morning commending Brown’s service to the country:

Trapt’s Chris Taylor Brown Praised by Donald Trump

Brown could not be reached for comment as of press time, but a representative for Trapt told MetalSucks that Brown is still vigilantly pursuing his lawsuit against an un-American parody Trapt account on Twitter.

Trump will recognize Brown’s service to the nation in a special ceremony to be held at the White House Rose Garden at 4pm EDT today, April 1. You can livestream the ceremony right here.

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