Enlarge Lyrics reference the toilet paper shortage, hand-washing, job layoffs, social distancing and more.

“Coronavirus Rhapsody” Queen Parody is the Best Thing on the Internet Today


YouTuber Adrian Grimes has re-worked Queen’s classic “Bohemian Rhapsody” into a parody for these quarantined times, with lyrics that take a humorous approach to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

With references to the symptoms of COVID-19, the toilet paper shortage, hand-washing, job layoffs, social distancing and all the time we’ve been forced to spend in close quarters with family, Grimes’ version fully captures the essence of what it is to be alive on planet earth in this moment, all while nailing the original’s trademark vocal harmonies. And while he recognizes some people have found the parody insensitive, he counters (correctly, IMO) that we all could use a bit of levity in these trying times. What’s more, his wife is a healthcare worker very much on the front lines, so his parody in no way comes from a place of ignorance.

Thank you, Adrian, for your service! We need this.

[via Kerrang!]

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