Enlarge The track presumably marks the recording debut of new basssist Frédéric Leclercq (ex-Dragonforce).

Kreator Release New Song “666 – World Divided”

  • Axl Rosenberg

Kreator and Lamb of God were supposed to embark on a co-headlining tour of Europe and the U.K. this month before the world went to shit. That tour will now allegedly take place in the fall, but in the meantime, the ball was already rolling on a split 7″ between the two bands, with one side featuring Lamb of God’s recent single, “Checkmate,” and the other featuring a new Kreator song, “666 – World Divided.”

Point being, “666 – World Divided” has now been released. And it’s really good! I mean, it’s Kreator. If you like Kreator, you’ll like it. Promise.

You can check out the track — which presumably marks the recording debut of new basssist Frédéric Leclercq (ex-Dragonforce) — via the below music video. The split 7″ with LoG will be released April 10.

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