Enlarge Way to make the best of a bad situation!

Rotting Christ Selling Merch From Cancelled Tour to Benefit the World Health Organization

  • Axl Rosenberg

Rotting Christ were supposed to be headlining this year’s Devastation on the Nation tour even as I type this — and, as any metal band headlining a big tour would, they had a buncha shirts made up with the trek’s itinerary printed on the back. Only problem is, Devastation on the Nation — like all tours — was postponed ’cause of the coronavirus (it’s now scheduled to launch in February of 2021). Which leaves Rotting Christ with a whole inventory of shirts featuring tour dates they’ll never get to play.

But the Greek band is making the best of a bad situation! They’re now selling all those shirts for fifteen bucks a pop, and have pledged to donate all the profits to the World Health Organization:

“We [will] donate any profit from our ‘The Heretics-special price tour shirt” purchase, to the World Health Organization.

“That’s one little activity for a band-an important life attitude these days.

“Stay safe and we cross paths again brothers and sisters.”

That means Rotting Christ fans can now help give to a good cause and own a strange little collector’s item. Pretty cool!

Get your shirt here.

[via Metal Injection]

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