Enlarge Via Fender Play, "a video-centric learning platform that eschews traditional theory-based lessons in favor of instructor-guided videos."

Fender Offering Three Months of Free Guitar Lessons to 100,000 Musicians

  • Axl Rosenberg

One great way to spend the quarantine is by learning shit you’ve always wanted to learn but never had time to learn before. For example, I am learning the names of my five kids, which has been neat.

But Fender is offering the opportunity to learn something far more useful than your kids’ names: how to play guitar.

The first 100,000 people who sign up for Fender Play — which The Verge describes as “a video-centric learning platform that eschews traditional theory-based lessons in favor of instructor-guided videos” — will receive free online guitar, bass, or ukulele lessons for three months.

Go here to sign up. With plenty of hard work and practice, someday you could be playing guitar in a terrible band that MetalSucks picks on! YAYYYYYY!!!!

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