Enlarge Doc shares his thoughts on the current pandemic, how it might affect the music industry going forward and more.

Bad Wolves’ Doc Coyle The MetalSucks Quarantinecast Episode #2


With much of the world under mandatory lockdown due to the rapidly spreading coronavirus, all of your favorite metal musicians are exactly where you are, doing exactly what you’re doing: at home, scrolling through their social media feeds, desperate for entertainment.

So we figured we’d connect with them to see what they’re up to during this unprecedented time in human history: how are they keeping busy? What do they think of the unfolding pandemic? How will it, or how has it already, affected plans for their album releases and tours?

Yesterday we spoke with Havok guitarist/vocalist David Sanchez, and today’s episode features Doc Coyle of Bad Wolves, The Ex-Man Podcast and formerly of God Forbid. Doc is his usual outspoken and articulate self, sharing his thoughts on the current pandemic, how it might affect the music industry going forward and more. Watch below.

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