Enlarge E arrives less than a month after ANOTHER surprise-release EP from the band, D.

Stream The Acacia Strain’s New EP, E

  • Axl Rosenberg

Less than a month after surprise-releasing a new two-song EP entitled D, The Acacia Strain have now surprise-released ANOTHER two-song EP, this one called E. Nobody should be shocked if they release three more called A, T, and H. (And all of this is in ADDITION to It Comes in Waves, the surprise-release full-length the band unveiled in December.)

You can listen to both tracks from E — “Solace and Serenity” and “The Lucid Dream,” featuring Mortality Rate’s Jess Nyx — below. You can also pre-order vinyl copies, set for release on April 17, here. Both tracks are killer, so hopefully they’ll perk you up a bit during these trying times.

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