Enlarge Drabikowski broke the news on Facebook.

Batushka’s Krzysztof Drabikowski Tests Positive for the Coronavirus

  • Axl Rosenberg

Krzysztof “Derph” Drabikowski, founder of and guitarist for the version of Batushka which fans consider to be the vastly superior of the band’s two current iterations, is the latest notable metal musician to test positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.

Drabikowski revealed the news on his Facebook page (excuse the somewhat shoddy Google translation):

“As several people need help to think:

“-Wear a mask when going to the infectious hospital.

“-If you met me before my diagnosis in the last 2 weeks, use quarantine for your good and the good of others, if you have disturbing symptoms please call wherever possible.

“-Despite the fact that sanepid [Poland’s State Sanitary Inspection service] sent me to call the hospital, the hospital sent me to 112 and 112 sent me to sanepid etc. I used quarantine.”

He also shared the following letter from his mother — a doctor — to her current patients (again, please excuse Google’s rough translation):

“Dear Patients,

“In connection with the confirmation of my son’s COVID-19 caused yesterday by the SARS-COV2 virus confirmed yesterday, I declare that I have not had any personal contact with him for 3 weeks. Since his son’s return from abroad (12.03), he and his family have been in quarantine at home and we only contacted by phone. Thanks to my vigilance and determination, Krzysztof had a test on 16.03, which unfortunately turned out to be positive. The son was transported from his home to the Infectious Diseases Clinic in Bialystok yesterday evening. His condition remains good.

“Bearing in mind the safety of the staff and patients of the Sol-Med Family Outpatient Clinic, I emphasize once again that in addition to telephone contact, neither I nor my household members had direct contact with my son, his wife and children.

“Out of respect and concern for all, I would also like to inform you that despite the lack of quarantine on me, I have voluntarily decided not to come to work and temporarily stay at home. I will do my best to make coronavirus tests for me and my loved ones.

“I apologize to everyone for any inconvenience caused by my absence from work.

“I wish you all a lot of health and well-being

“Tamara Drabikowska-Chmara
“specialist in family medicine, pediatrician”

Drabikowski is 34-years-old, which means his chances of recovery from the virus ought to be quite good. Other notable musicians to be afflicted with the virus thus far include Andrew Watt, producer for Ozzy Osbourne, and Brandon Hoover, guitarist for Crown the Empire.

According to Worldometers, there have been 208,185 confirmed cases of COVID-19 to date, with 8,272 of those cases resulting in death. Drabikowski’s native Poland has had 251 confirmed cases of the virus, and five deaths.

Drabikowski and his former Batushka bandmate, vocalist  Bartłomiej Krysiuk, are currently in the midst of a lawsuit over who owns the group’s name. Both versions of the band put out new albums last year; Krysiuk’s Hospodi was released by Metal Blade and was generally not well-received, while Drabikowski’s independently-released Панихида/Panihida was met with much acclaim (including landing on the “Best of 2019” lists for both editors-in-chief of MetalSucks).

Everyone at MetalSucks wishes Drabikowski a speedy recovery.

Thanks: Mike G.

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