Enlarge Vocalist and now-former-drummer Jami Morgan says the band won't reveal their new member's identity... at least not yet.

Who Is Code Orange’s New Drummer?

  • Axl Rosenberg

If you watched this past weekend’s live streamed Code Orange record release show for their new album, Underneath, you likely noticed that drummer/vocalist Jami Morgan is now just vocalist Jami Morgan. Morgan tells the Post Gazette that decision to move him out front came about as the band was “learning the difficulties in connecting [with the audience] in the way we’re set up” and their desire not “to limit what we can do on stage.”

Which is fair enough! Having a frontman who can actually, like, move around n’ stuff and isn’t tied to an immobile instrument can only help a band’s live show, right?

Of course, this leads fans to wonder who, exactly, is the mystery dude now manning the drum kit — it was hard to tell from the live stream on account of the constant flashing lights, quick edits, and, oh yeah, the fact that the guy was wearing a mask that resembles the face on the cover of Underneath.

In the above-mentioned interview, Morgan makes it clear that the band intends to go the Slipknot route and not reveal their new member’s identity just yet:

“Uh, we’re not gonna say. It’s not even about who it is. The mask and the concept fits with the character in the record and with the cover art, and I like that. On top of that, we’ll see. He’s a great guy and I think he’ll continue to earn his spot, but for now he’s an empty vessel. He’s our drumming muse for now. We don’t want to be married to anyone yet. You don’t know how people are going to be ’til they are.”

Right now, our biggest clue as to the drummer’s identity are the tattoos visible on his right arm in the record release show video (see the photo at the top of this post). Remember, tattoos are how fans initially identified bassist Alessandro “V-Man” Venturella after he joined Slipknot, when his identity was still meant to be a big secret.

So, Internet sleuths, get sleuthin’, and drop us a line if you figure out who it is.

Underneath is out now on Roadrunner; read our review here. And be sure to check our own recent interview with Morgan on The MetalSucks Podcast while you’re at it.

[via The PRP]

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