Enlarge As predicted, fans were able to verify the drummer's identity based on visible tattoos.

Well, That Was Fast: Code Orange’s New Mystery Drummer Identified!

  • Axl Rosenberg

It took the Internet less than three hours to identify Code Orange’s new drummer, whose identity was meant to remain a mystery (at least for the time being): it’s Ethan Young from Nashville’s Thirty Nights of Violence. As predicted, fans were able to verify Young’s identity based on visible tattoos.

Congrats to Mr. Young on his prestigious new gig! And apologies to Code Orange for ruining their fun. But it’s, y’know. Like. My job n’ stuff.

Code Orange’s new album, Underneath, is out now on Roadrunner; read our review here. And be sure to check our recent interview with vocalist and now-former-drummer Jami Morgan on The MetalSucks Podcast, too!

[via The PRP]

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