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Top 10 Metal Songs to Celebrate Chuck Norris’ 80th Birthday


Today Chuck Norris, the second-greatest American in history (after Corey Taylor, natch), turns 80! Happy birthday, Chuck! We hope you live another 80 years. In fact, we’re sure that if anyone can survive ’til the age of 160, it’s you!!!

Need a metal soundtrack to celebrate this momentous occasion? We have some suggestions…

Avenged Sevenfold – “M.I.A.”

As in Missing in Action.

Chimaira – “Army of Me”

As in A Force of One.

Converge – “Hellbound”

As in Hellbound.

Judas Priest – “Lone Wolf”

As in Lone Wolf McQuade.

Mötley Crüe – “Kickstart My Heart”

As in SideKICKS.

Pantera – “Walk”

As in WALKer, Texas Ranger. Bonus: Pantera were FROM Texas!

Slapshot – “Firewalker”

As in Firewalker.

Soulfly – “Eye for an Eye”

As in An Eye for an Eye.

Stormland – “Hero Terror Tactics”

As in Hero and the Terror.

Chuck Norris – 2004 EP

As in Chuck FUCKING Norris.

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