Enlarge The song also features Pepper Keenan.

New Video by Dave Hill’s Witch Taint Gets Malcolm Gladwell’s Endorsement


The always-hilarious Dave Hill‘s Witch Taint have released a new video for their song “Sons of Satan.” Notably, author Malcolm Gladwell — he of the “10,000-hour rule,” as detailed in his 2008 book, Outliers: The Story of Success — took to Twitter to praise the clip:

You can watch the Gladwell-approved “Sons of Satan” video — which also features a guest solo/cameo by Pepper Keenan, billed here as “Goatman” — below. Witch Taint’s album Sons of Midwestern Darkness will be released on April 10 by Tee Pee records, and can be pre-ordered here. The band will play a record release show at NYC’s Mercury Lounge on April 7; buy tickets here.

Thanks: Norman L.

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