Enlarge The metalcore band were robbed after their show in Sacramento, CA last night.

The Word Alive Robbed of $10,000 on Tour


Metalcore band The Word Alive have become the latest victims of thieves attempting to prey on touring groups. The band was robbed last night, March 3, after their show in Sacramento, CA — only two days before the end of their tour — and reported losing approximately $10,000, although it’s not clear what exactly was stolen other than that it wasn’t musical gear. No further details on the incident are available.

Frontman Telle Smith posted the news to his personal Twitter account this afternoon, saying:

“We were broken into and robbed last night, it feels so shitty to be almost home from an amazing tour and to end on such a horrible note :( About $10k of a loss. The fact that it happens nonstop to artists trying to bring positivity city to city is so fucked.”

He later added an update:

“To everyone writing us, thank you so much for your kindness & positive energy. We’re going through the proper authorities/insurance channels to see what is recoverable/covered. Thankfully no musical gear was stolen like last time. We’re all ok & healthy most importantly!”

Neither the band or their fans have launched any fundraisers yet. We’ll update you with more info if we receive any, and we wish the band all the best in recovering their stolen goods and getting back on their feet as soon as possible.


[via Lambgoat]

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