Enlarge This is one of those songs that simply has the quality of constant rotation.

I Am Destruction’s “Ruinous Phantasm” Was Made for Windmilling

  • Axl Rosenberg
I Am Destruction’s “Ruinous Phantasm” Was Made for Windmilling

It’s rare that I miss having long hair, but I gotta say, “Ruinous Phantasm,” the new track by Texas death metallers I Am Destruction, definitely made me yearn for the days of rockin’ lengthy locks. This is one of those songs that makes me wanna windmill so bad I’d swear someone had attached the top of my dome to a ceiling fan. The music simply has the quality of constant rotation, like gears grinding, like a barrel on fire rolling down a hill, like a baby in a washing machine. It’s invigorating shit.

Regardless of whether your current hairstyle allows for windmilling or not, I highly recommend you check out “Ruinous Phantasm,” which you can do below. The song will appear on I Am Destruction’s debut full-length, Nascency, which comes out April 24 on Unique Leader. You can pre-order it here (physical) or here (digital).

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