Enlarge Check out the horror-movie-inspired British band's new single, "Hanging Tree."

But No Seriously Listen to Video Nasties

  • Axl Rosenberg
But No Seriously Listen to Video Nasties

Dominion, the new album by England’s Video Nasties, is already on my shortlist for Best Metal Albums of 2020. If the impending release still isn’t on your radar after MetalSucks debuted the song “Drone Eagle” last month, hopefully their new single, “Hanging Tree,” will remedy that. It seems like metal spawns 2,000 ’80s-horror-movie-inspired bands a day that are trying to meld melodeath with oversized arena rock hooks, and most of them fail. Video Nasties, on the other hand, succeed in spades. If you ever loved Carcass… or W.A.S.P…. or remember your jaw hitting the floor at the end of the original Sleepaway Camp… shit, if you’re into Ghoul or wish Wednesday 13 didn’t suck… you WILL dig Video Nasties. You will dig them six fuckin’ feet deep.

Check out “Hanging Tree” below. Dominion comes out on Friday the 13th (naturally!) of March via APF records, and can be pre-ordered here (physical) or here (digital). The band will play an album release show on March 14 at Sound Food and Drink in Liverpool. If you’re in the area and you don’t go, MetalSucks will think less of you. Just sayin’.

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