Enlarge The band is currently doing a tour of house shows like back in the good old days.

Footage From Norma Jean’s House Show Tour Displays the Intimate Metal Madness


Every old school post-hardcore fan’s dream came true recently when Norma Jean announced a house show tour, humorously called the “Do Your Neighbors Like You?” tour. The dudes have probably not played a house show since their early years as a band in the late ’90s, when basements and living rooms were the only types of gigs they could get. Now, the band is choosing personal abodes once again over thousand capacity venues and they’re charging $13 instead of $30. And fans love it.

Footage has surfaced from one of their first gigs on Sunday, February 23, and it gives a glimpse into the chaos that’s going on at this sold-out run. The guys are shirtless and sweaty, cramped in one of the rooms in the Friends Mansion in Louisville, KY. There’s beer cans, there’s crowdsurfing, and there’s lots of screaming.

The main concern about this tour was the shows getting shut down by police, and it’s surprising that that hasn’t been an issue yet. The growls are unrelenting and hell is breaking loose like at any Norma Jean show. The room is packed with fans even filling up the adjacent hallway, and pits break out even though there’s barely any space to move.

Shoutout to whoever took this thirty minute video for the many folks who wished they were there. It must be hard to hold your phone for that long when metalheads are slamming into you every five seconds.

Watch the video below to experience the sweaty madness, and check out the rest of the tour dates underneath it if you like what you see:

02/25 Little Rock, AR – Eyes Up House (feat. My Hands To War)
02/26 Tulsa, OK – Barkingham Palace (feat. Tell Lies)
02/27 Oklahoma City, OK – Afro House (feat. Naturalist, The Darkness I Was Free)
02/28 Dallas, TX – Ferda House (feat. Frost Koffin)
02/29 Van Buren, AR – The Carpet Shop (feat. Bones Of The Earth & Vangoons)

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