Godsmack’s Sully Erna Helping to Spread Disinformation About Bernie Sanders
Godsmack frontman Sully Erna, who has publicly declared himself a Republican in the past, has taken to Facebook to share a post condemning Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders for wanting to put a 52% tax on income earnings over $29,000 in order to pay for free health care — a move which would completely negate Sanders’ stated desire to raise minimum wage and close the wealth gap in the United States.
Only one problem: Facebook has flagged the post has flagged the post for being “false” as part of Facebook’s new initiative to try and prevent the spread of misinformation. The false posts are flagged by an independent, third-party fact checker.

In actuality, Sanders has only ever proposed a 52% tax on income earnings over $10 million.
Says Erna in text accompanying the share:
“I don’t get into political opinions and discussions often bc I believe it’s like religion. Every one has their preference and beliefs. And I won’t tell you who I vote for and who I don’t. And I don’t care to have this become a thread or politics and hatred, But I will post this just to make sure ‘my peeps’ see what ‘the wrong’ thing is to do. #thisguyisaclown#besmart We ALL suffer is this happens!! ☝????☝????☝????☝????”
You can view Erna’s post below (screencap here if he decides to take it down):