Sh*t That Comes Out Today: February 21, 2020
It’s Friday, which means it’s new metal day! Look forward to my usual idiosyncratic recommendations as well as things people actually want to hear about.

Refractions (Blues Funeral)
I know it’ll come as a shock that a band named after a Californian car modification play stoner rock. I’ll pause to allow you to collect yourselves. The real surprise is that Lowrider originate in Sweden. Do they even have lowriders there? They’d probably get stuck in the snow, right? Anyway, Refractions comes twenty years after their debut, Ode to Io, and it proves that their love for Kyuss hasn’t diminished in the years since. Six songs, loads of fuzz, loads of fun.

Ozzy Osbourne
Ordinary Man (Sony)
Read the MetalSucks review
“Even though he’s an undeniable metal god (happy 50th birthday, Black Sabbath!), it’s hard not to view the announcement of a new Ozzy Osbourne album with some dread. His last few releases felt unnecessary at best, and the recent tour cancelations and revelation of his Parkinson’s diagnosis paint a picture of someone who should enjoy a well-earned retirement. The fact that it’s Post Malone’s producer behind the project really didn’t inspire confidence. But you know what? Against all odds, Ordinary Man is actually pretty good. Not up to par with classics like Blizzard of Ozz, Diary of a Madman, or No More Tears, but a totally enjoyable effort from the metal legend.”

Sightless Pit
Grave Of A Dog (Thrill Jockey)
Sometimes you can just look at an album cover and know that you’re in for a good time. I bet Poison wished they had come up with the album title Grave of a Dog. Instead, it took members of The Body, Full of Hell, and Lingua Ignota to conjure that cheery vision. Weirdly, this collaboration may be less punishing than the members’ main acts. That doesn’t mean it’s at all pleasant — these folks are all experienced at creating emotionally intense blasts of noise, and Sightless Pit don’t disappoint in that regard. These are some seriously excoriating forty minutes produced by some of the best in that particular business. Enjoy?

We Sell the Dead
Black Sleep (earMUSIC)
There’s always something fun about extreme metal folks doing grandpa rock. This time around, it’s an In Flames dude hooking up with some former bandmates from other outfits and Firewind belter Apollo Papathanasio (who also provides vocals for Michael Amott’s retro-minded outfit Spiritual Beggars). Their bluesy hard rock makes for some unironic sing-along fun. It’s not gonna change the world, but it’s a damn sight more enjoyable than listening to In Flames in 2020 (low bar, I know).

Wrekmeister Harmonies
We Love To Look At The Carnage (Thrill Jockey)
Wrekmeister Harmonies play doom metal, but not in the traditional way. Doom metal requires a heavy bottom end. They don’t have one. Instead, the duo uses feeback and non-traditional instruments like violins to create a truly oppressive atmosphere out of minimalistic arrangements. It’s more of a New York City, Swans-type approach (especially with J.R. Robinson’s Michael Gira-esque baritone). Fans of the darker, artsier side of metal shouldn’t miss out on this display of carnage.
The Amity Affliction – Everyone Loves You…Once You Leave Them (Pure Noise) Listen
Biff Byford – School of Hard Knocks (Silver Lining) Listen
Demons & Wizards – III (Century Media) Listen
Don Jamieson – Denim And Laughter (Metal Blade)
Polaris – The Death Of Me (SharpTone) Listen
Raspberry Bulbs – Before the Age of Mirrors (Relapse) Listen
Road Warrior/Gravebreaker – Death Promise/Death in Heels on Wheels (Gates of Hell) Listen
Terrifiant – Terrifiant (Gates of Hell) Listen
The Word Alive – Monomania (Fearless) Listen
Dio – Angry Machines (Reissue) (BMG/Niji)
Dio – Killing the Dragon (Reissue) (BMG/Niji)
Dio – Magica (Reissue) (BMG/Niji)
Dio – Master of the Moon (Reissue) (BMG/Niji)
Discharge – Protest And Survive: The Anthology (BMG)
Torpëdo – Mechanic Tyrants (Gates of Hell) Listen