Party with Blood Command’s New Jam, “Saturday City”

Blood Command inherently understand that all records labels who line up like a bunch of sheep and insist on releasing all new songs on Fridays because of amorphis, outdated concepts like “charts,” are lame. That’s presumably why they’ve named their new single “Saturday City” — Saturday is for partying while listening to new jams!! They get it!! Unfortunately their new label, Hassle, did not listen. It’s a shame, really, because all they ended up with was this stupid article instead of an actual hype piece since we’re all too friggin’ busy dealing with everyone else’s Friday crap to bother with anything else.
But hey, new Blood Command, at least that’s cause for celebration, right?? Crank it below. No new album announced yet, but maybe the single’s a precursor. Get the band’s upcoming tour dates with Kvelertak here.