Enlarge The guitarist tells a story about Bad Wolves guitarist Doc Coyle, who plays in his solo band, having to teach Mark how to play his own riffs.

Lamb of God’s Mark Morton Discusses Forgetting How to Play His Own Riffs


Last month, Lamb of God guitarist Mark Morton visited the Umanov Union of The MetalSucks Mansion to shoot one of our patented videos in which metal musicians watch and react to fan YouTube covers of their own music. We put out that video last week and you can watch it right here!

Mark had so many interesting things to say and stories to tell that we had to leave a lot of it on the cutting room floor. But a couple of those clips made good standalone videos of their own, starting with this one right here, in which Mark discusses sometimes forgetting how to play his own riffs and having to be reminded by others, including Doc Coyle (Bad Wolves, ex-God Forbid) in his solo band and LoG co-guitarist Willie Adler.

Have a looksee below and don’t forget to watch the full video from whence it came.

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