Enlarge There are 32 notable metal tours hitting North America between May and August. Which one can you absolutely NOT miss?

Poll: For Which Summer Metal Tour Are You Most Excited?


It’s gonna be an expensive summer: a truly overwhelming number of metal and hard rock tours have been announced for this year. It’s nice to have such an embarrassment of riches, and in theory, some of these tours won’t cannibalize the others, ’cause the overlap in fandom will be minimal (e.g., people excited for the Primus tribute to Rush tour are probably not the same people excited for the Megadeth/Lamb of God tour, who are probably not the same people excited for the Def Leppard/Mötley Crüe/Poison tour, etc.). Still, the number of potentially-killer shows coming to a venue near you in the coming months may be overwhelming: by our count, there are at LEAST thirty-two (!!!) notable metal and hard rock tours hitting North America between May and August.

A couple of weeks ago, MetalSucks readers declared Guns N’ Roses the superior summer stadium ’80s throwback tour, over the aforementioned Def Lep/Mötley Crüe/etc. package. But now we wanna open this pit to ALL the bands hitting the road in the coming months!

So, beloved readers, we ask you: for which summer (or almost-summer) metal tour are you most excited? Cast your vote below!!!

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