Enlarge "If I offend you with my point of view, then good — you need something to snap out of this slumber.”

Staind’s Aaron Lewis Says Trump Impeachment “Couldn’t Have Been More Unconstitutional”


Staind frontman Aaron Lewis recently said in an interview that he believes the impeachment of President Trump by the U.S. House of Representatives “couldn’t have been more unconstitutional.”

Lewis is widely known for his far right-wing views and racism. Last year he told a crowd in Texas, “I’m sorry, I don’t know how to speak Spanish, I’m American,” when he become frustrated that the audience wouldn’t remain quiet during his acoustic set. Back in 2016 he told a crowd he believed then-President Barack Obama should be impeached, saying Obama was “truly the worst fucking president that we have ever had in the history of this fucking country.”

Lewis spoke to the Anchorage Press in advance of his upcoming solo gig in Alaska’s biggest city, and needed little provocation to open up about his political and social views.

On his outlook shifting to a more conservative viewpoint as he has gotten older, Lewis said:

“It’s hard for me not to as I get older — that’s kind of how it happens. As life becomes clearer you have more responsibilities. You bring kids into the world and if your views aren’t changing to more conservative and protective of the country and the life you’ve provided for your children, you just have not been paying attention.”

Lewis recognizes that Staind’s fans might not have the same views as he does, offering:

“I’m sure that (Staind fans) don’t feel the same way as I do. The way I look at is if I offend you with my point of view, then good — you need something to snap out of this slumber.”

On the recent impeachment of President Trump, of whom he is a big fan, by the U.S. House of Representatives:

“The agendas they’re pushing now have caused more deaths than all the wars that have taken place in the world, so do yourself a huge favor, understand your history and know what the Constitution says. What (Congress) just did to your country couldn’t have been more unconstitutional in shape or form.”

Lewis doesn’t see his political outlook changing, blaming alcohol for his occasional outbursts and describing his diatribes as “fact-based:”

“There’s nothing I can do about that; they’re my views and how I feel. I’m 47 years old and you’re not going to change the way I think. For the most part I try to keep it to the music. Sometimes I’ll start running my mouth and, you know, the Jack Daniels takes over once in a while. I definitely try to be very fact-based with anything I allow myself to say.”

You can read the full article of Anchorage Press.

[via Blabbermouth]

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