Emmure’s Frankie Palmeri Renounces His Past Lyrics
Holy shit. I did not expect to wake up this morning and write a piece commending Emmure’s Frankie Palmeri. I’d have sooner believed that “Ripper” Owens would endorse Pete Buttigieg than I would have that Frankie Palmeri would basically disown every risible lyric he has ever written. But here we are.
Mr. Palmeri, you may know, has a history of writing risible lyrics that are misogynistic, homophobic, egotistical, completely ridiculous, or just plain sad. He has also been unrepentant about such lyrics in the past (in his defense, there was at least one instance where he didn’t deserve all the flack he took for those lyrics). And that’s to say nothing of his various controversies involving certain merch designs.
But now Palmeri has taken to social media to assert that “I emotionally and spiritually reject almost every lyric I’ve ever written”:
“Hanging out with someone who only listens to metalcore made [me] realize why regular people with healthy neuroplasticity don’t fuck with that genre of music and gravitate towards pop/rap. Talk about a fucking unnecessary onslaught of bullshit emotions.
“Trust me when I say; I emotionally and spiritually reject almost every lyric I’ve ever written. It all stems from material pain, a fragile ego, an inability to cope. It’s unfortunate anyone has ever identified with any of what I’ve said in my music. A lot [of] people are/were hurting.”
This is not the first time Palmeri has been contrite about his past behavior, so there is the possibility that this statement ends up being meaningless. In fact, I’m not even sure what it would take for Palmeri’s declaration to be meaningful. Clearly, he’ll have to abstain from writing any such lyrics in the future… but does he also have to stop performing at least some of his past material live, Prince-style? I really do not know.
But I do wanna give Palmeri the benefit of the doubt. We’ve all made mistakes; how we handle those mistakes says a lot about our character. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what Frankie does next.
Palmeri’s Twitter account isn’t public, but you can see screenshots of his statement below, courtesy of Lambgoat: