Enlarge The Danish singer has completely abandoned black metal -- is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Myrkur Unveils Haunting Folk Song, “Leaves of Yggdrasil”


I had a galaxy-brain-level realization about Myrkur this morning while listening to her new single, “Leaves of Yggdrasil.” Now that she has leaned fully into Danish folk music and completely abandoned the black metal that first brought her to fame (post Ex-Cops, that is), the black metal purists that were so violently offended by her early work may now actually be relieved. No longer is this scene tourist’s impure attempt at black metal poisoning all that is holy and great about the genre! Or so that line of thinking might go.

I, on the other hand, am way into it. I support Myrkur’s desire to make whatever the frick kind of music she wants, and I’m all but completely over black metal these days anyway. So, bring it on, I say. And to the extent that some black metal idiots will still be bothered by Myrkur no matter what she does, I’ll enjoy laughing at them all the more.

Take a listen to “Leaves of Yggdrasil” below, and check out Myrkur’s prior single, “Ella,” as well. Her new album, Folkesange, comes out March 20, and can be pre-ordered here.

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