Enlarge From his new EP, Telemark.

Ihsahn Debuts New Song “Nord”

  • Axl Rosenberg

Does anyone else have this problem where every time they hear Ihsahn’s name, they also hear the chorus from Enslaved’s “Isa,” only changed to “IIIIII-SSSSSAAAAHHHHNNNNN!!!!”?

No? Just me? Cool cool cool.

Speaking of Ihsahn: he has just released “Nord” (Norwegian for “North”), from his forthcoming EP, Telemark, which comes out on Valentine’s Day. It’s actually the first of two EPs he’ll be releasing this year. We don’t know yet what the second EP will be called, but I’m putting my money on Off-Piste. (If you got that joke, congratulations on being wealthy and white.)

Listen to “Nord” below. Or don’t. It’s your life.

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