Enlarge For fans of Mastodon, Intronaut, The Dillinger Escape Plan and Gojira.

Pan-Metal Newcomers Irist Drop Debut Single, “Burning Sage”


In a world where seemingly everything that could possibly be done with a distorted guitar, screamed vocals and drums has already been done, what’s a new metal band hoping to make an imprint on the world to do?

In the case of Irist, an up and coming outfit out of Atlanta, the answer is to combine everything that’s come before them into one big ol’ stew of modern metal. From Mastodon’s moshiest to Intronaut’s progged out riffing and psychedelic interludes to Gojira’s scream-sings to The Dillinger Escape Plan’s frenetic jazz freakouts, there’s a whole lot going on here that fans of metal from the last 20 years will dig — pan-metal, if you will. How that all coalesces into a sound uniquely Irist’s will be fodder for thought once their new album hits my ears, but for now I’m really digging their first single, “Burning Sage,” and I’m ready for more as soon as it comes my way.

Check out “Burning Sage” below. Order of the Mind comes out on March 27.

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