Enlarge A brand new song and video from the progressive metal wizards.

Video Premiere: Viscera, “Immersed in Ire”


A popular claim of late in technical death metal press copy is to say that a band is both good at playing their instruments and assembling concise songs to the point that it’s become cliché to make that assertion. Tons of bands in the genre do that now! The days of fucknuts tech wankery for the sake of fucknuts tech wankery, ala Psyopus or Brain Drill, are long gone.

The question, then, becomes this: does the band do it well? And are they able to differentiate themselves from the pack in some way?

In the case of Viscera, the answer — as you’ve no doubt figured out by now because you’ve made it this far — is “yes.” The band shows off some impressive musicianship, but that’s no surprise; what works best on “Immersed in Ire” is that the song is really friggin’ catchy, with a bigtime chorus that’ll have you singing along after just one listen. Then it’s back to the brutality, a healthy mix of tech-death wizardry and good old fashioned, stupid chugging. It’s delightful, really.

Says vocalist Jamie Graham (ex-Sylosis, Heart of a Coward):

‘We’re pleased to reveal the third track off Obsidian, featuring the ever beastly Ben Mason of Bound in Fear.It’s one of the heavier songs on the record, but with one of the most melodic choruses too. Definitely one that we are looking forward to playing live.

“The song itself is about the state people can be left in when surrounding themselves with the wrong people or being in a toxic environment. The resultant demons that can manifest and how they are conquered through resilience and grit.”

Give it a spin below. Viscera’s new album, Obsidian, comes out March 6 via Unique Leader; pre-order here (physical) and here (digital).

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