Enlarge Yet another brilliant example of how one can redeem this ebola virus of a song.

Watch a Duck Play Disturbed’s “Down With the Sickness”

  • Axl Rosenberg

Few things represent a better argument that it’s time for Homo sapiens to go extinct than Disturbed’s nu-metal ode to monkeys, “Down With the Sickness.” And yet, over the past few months, we’ve seen a plethora of ways in which this flaming pile of dog excrement can be improved upon. For example, you can perform it in a style that is nothing like that of the original, or you can set it to a deepfake video that amalgamates Donald Trump with child beauty pageant contestants, or you can have a 55-year-old church organist cover it on the drums…

…or you can put in the able webbed feet of a duck.


Come back next week when we find out if a turtle can do anything to improve upon Limp Bizkit’s “My Generation.” The smart money is on the turtle.

[via Kerrang!]

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