Enlarge Featuring Tool, Slipknot, Lamb of God, Slayer, Anthrax, Kiss, Def Leppard, Rob Zombie, The Ocean, Allegaeon and many, many more.

MetalSucks Goes to Hellfest: The Video!


To say Hellfest is massive is an understatement. The annual three-day festival — four days last year, including Knotfest tacked on to the front end — is a celebration of metal culture that brings together tens of thousands of folks from all over the world in the French countryside, united as one for a long weekend of glorious headbanging, moshing, drinking, camping and friendship. The organizers of Hellfest have a steadfast devotion to making it an incredible experience for everyone, constructing an absolutely gorgeous fairgrounds that only serves one purpose all year long: Hellfest.

I’d heard about the legendary festival for years, so last June I decided to head to Clisson, France to experience it for myself. Over the course of four days and spread across six simultaneously running stages, I had the privilege of watching dozens of bands including Slipknot, Tool, Gojira, Rob Zombie, Slayer, Anthrax, Lamb of God, Death Angel, Kiss, Def Leppard, Whitesnake, Revocation, Allegaeon, The Ocean, Dool, Kvelertak, Skindred, Wolfheart, Dream Theater, Cancer Bats, Brutus, Mantar… I’m just reciting from memory here, but that’s just the beginning. I also had the distinct pleasure of meeting SO many amazing people and sharing with them experiences I’ll never forget.

The 2019 incarnation of Hellfest had one infamous twist: Manowar’s last-minute cancelation, and Sabaton swooping in to save the day for a repeat performance. To that end, I documented my Hellfest experience on video, filmed using my trusty iPhone, and I’ve (finally) edited it down into a montage, set to the background music of — who else — Sabaton. Enjoy!

Get your tickets for Hellfest 2020 right here.

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