Enlarge And he nails it! The two songs work surprisingly well together.

Video: Karaoke Guy Sings Nine Inch Nails’s “Closer” Over the Ghostbusters Theme


Update, 1:46pm EST, January 7: A MetalSucks reader has informed us that the performer in this video is Chuk Devlin, also known as “Batman.” The bar is Ray’s Happy Birthday Bar in Philadelphia.

Original Post:

Everyone’s got their go-to karaoke songs, those jams you can perform without looking at the lyric screen, and that are, at least theoretically, in your “vocal range” (or whatever your internal definition of your range is, especially when you’re blasted). Maybe you’ve even practiced in the shower, microphone bottle of shampoo in hand, or in the car, windows closed and no fucks given.

One guy took that concept to the next level at a recent karaoke performance. In what is very clearly a well-rehearsed number, the unidentified hero chose Ray Parker Jr.’s 1984 theme to the Ghostbusters movie, walked up to the mic, and then proceeded to sing the lyrics to Nine Inch Nails’s “Closer” over top of it without missing a word or a beat. The tunes work surprisingly well together, with the verses and choruses matching up at just the right moments. Perhaps our hero took inspiration from this mash-up of the two songs that we posted around Halloween last year or, who knows, maybe it’s the very person who made it!

Have a look below!

[via Metal Injection]

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