Enlarge The Dillinger Escape Plan is dead! Long live The Dillinger Escape Plan!

Founding Dillinger Escape Plan Members Ben Weinman and Dimitri Minikakis Reunite in New Project

  • Axl Rosenberg

The Dillinger Escape Plan is dead! Long live The Dillinger Escape Plan!

Founding DEP members Ben Weinman (guitars) and Dimitri Minikakis (vocals) — they of Under the Running Board and Calculating Infinity renown — have announced that they’re reuniting in a new project. And while said project doesn’t yet have a name, it does have a song, “Choir Boy,” featuring Organ Dealer’s  Eric Schnee on drums. It’s available now to Weinman’s Patreon subscribers. If you’re not one of Weinman’s Patreon subscribers and you’re on the fence about pledging money because you’re unsure as to whether or not this new endeavor will sound satisfyingly DEP-ish enough, well, let this sample put your mind at ease:

Hopefully there’s more news comin’ soon…

[via Lambgoat]

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