Exclusive Full Album Stream: Necropanther’s The Doomed City

Look. You can’t call your band goddamn Necropanther and fuck around; it’s too awesome of a moniker to waste on wimpy bullshit. And Necropanther, we can assure you, are not fucking around with wimpy bullshit. On their third album, The Doomed City, the Colorado quartet drew inspiration from the dystopian sci-fi classic Logan’s Run to create thirteen cuts of absolutely inspired fist-pumpers and neck-snappers. The Doomed City oscillates freely between nerve-frying deathrash in the vein of bands like Skeletonwitch and Toxic Holocaust and flesh-shredding melodeath reminiscent of groups like Arch Enemy, and at no point does it want for full-on “FUCK YEAH!”-ness.
The Doomed City will be released this Friday, November 15, but MetalSucks has fixed it so you can listen to the entire album right now. You’re so welcome! Do not miss out… this album will kick your ass in all the best possible ways.
Once you’ve fallen in love with The Doomed City, pre-order it here!