Track Premiere: Teeth Unveil Gnarly, Twisted Death Metal Bruiser, “Vessel”

This is the part of a track premiere where we’d normally hype you up by telling you how brutal/heavy/siqq/ground-breaking a song is by using all sorts of superlatives, offering cliche metaphors and possibly comparing this newer, up and coming band to one you’ve definitely heard of already. But guitarist/vocalist Erol Ulug of nasty, gnarly death metallers Teeth has already done most of that for us, so we’ll let him take it away about the band’s new song “Vessel,” which we are thrilled to premiere here on MetalSucks today:
“Musically it’s one of the most unusual songs we’ve ever written. The first 30 seconds are pure mania with the drums going full throttle and the guitars/bass droning dissonant chords over them. Two worlds forced into existing together. After the opening beating, the song turns much more groove oriented working its way into some of the heaviest riffs on the record. The last portion of the song gradually builds into a wall of sound with a guitar lead that continues off into the abyss alone, closing out the whole record.”
Ulug added the following about the song’s cheery topical nature:
“‘Vessel’ is a response to the inevitable crawl of time after being thrust into existence, the confusion that follows consciousness and self-awareness. The frustration that an inescapable future tethers us to. It also deals with how unwilling most are to face futility even when it is thrust in front of us constantly.”
As for the “for fans of” bit we teased in this article’s opener, Ulug didn’t take care of that for us in his quotes (ungrateful prick!), but he did solve the problem indirectly: Luc Lemay from Gorguts lends guest vocals to “Husk,” another track on Teeth’s forthcoming album, The Curse of Entropy. So there ya go.
Check out “Vessel” below. The Curse of Entropy comes out on November 29 via Translation Loss Records; pre-order it here.