Walk Comfortably on the Lightning: Stance Make Metallica Socks
Folks, even a very stable genius like me will make an error every five-to-ten years. I know. You all think of me as being 110% perfect all the time. But hard though it may be to accept, I am not infallible.
So I admit it: I was wrong to make fun of Stance Socks’ “Legends of Metal” line back in 2017. Well, actually, now that I think about it, I was only partially wrong.
See, our friend Tommy Wee has since really turned me onto Stance. Lemme tell you, those motherfuckers make some comfortable socks. It’s like, you look at an expensive pair of socks and you think “Fuck you, that’s ridiculous, I’m not paying that much for socks!”, but then you actually wear the socks and you can immediately feel where that extra dough went.
Now, is it worth it to pay even more to some official licensed band design on the socks? That’s between you and your accountant. But should you decide the answer is “yes,” be advised that Stance now make Metallica socks.

And oh hey lookee, they even adorable lil’ itty bitty ones for toddlers.

If you want some of these, you can get ’em here. But really, even if you don’t wanna spend four-six extra dollars (seriously, that’s the price difference) to get socks with the Metallica logo, you should treat yourself to a pair of socks from Stance. I’m not being paid to say this. I’m just passionate about comfortable footwear.
[via Metal Injection]