The Number Twelve Looks Like You Have Released Three MORE Tracks from Their New Album

Wild Gods, the first new album from The Number Twelve Looks Like You in a decade, comes out THIS Friday, September 20. Why, that’s so soon, it’s practically just a few days from now!
This being the case, fans are now faced with a difficult choice. You see, the mathcore greats have just released three fresh Wild tracks — “Last Laughter,” “Ease My Siamese,” and “Tombo’s Wound” — on top of the three they’ve released already — “Ruin the Smile,” “Raised and Erased,” and “Gallery of Thrills.” And the songs are all GREAT, natch… but if you listen to all six of ’em, that will leave just four songs on the album you haven’t heard when it comes out Friday.
So will you listen to these tracks now, or wait a coupla more days and listen to the album in its entirety, in one sitting, as the band and God* intended? Maybe I’m just an old man — I remember going to the fucking record store at goddamn midnight to buy shit as soon as it was publicly available — but if it was me, I’d tried to wait. It will be so worth it! Wild Gods is everything you want it to be and then some.
On the other hand, if you can’t hold out, I don’t blame you. Like I said, the songs are great. And the lyric videos for all of these songs have been a step above across the board, too. So no need to self-flagellate if you give in.
I’m probably not helping your temptation any by leaving all three new songs and lyric videos below, but c’est la vie. As I said, Wild Gods is out Friday via Overlord Music. Pre-order it here. The band is on tour for a good chunk of October; get dates here.
*Just kidding, there’s no God, obvi.
[via The PRP]