Slipknot’s Tortilla Man: Identity Revealed???
The Internet may very well have made mankind’s most important discovery since Alexander Fleming accidentally created penicillin: the identity of Slipknot’s new percussionist, a.k.a. “Tortilla Man.”
It appears that ‘Knot guitarist Jim Root gave away the game earlier this week, in which he revealed that Tortilla Man “is a world-class pianist.” This lead one clever Redditor, Les Connelly, to suggest that Tortilla Man may, in fact, be Michael Pfaff, who plays keyboards in Shawn “Clown” Crahan’s side project, Dirty Little Rabbits.
Besides Pfaff’s relationship with Clown, Connelly offered the following additional evidence to bolster his theory:
- Pfaff and Clown were introduced by Slipknot DJ Sid Wilson — so Pfaff has a pre-existing relationship with at least two members of the band.
- Pfaff has a similar build and height to Tortilla Man.
- Pfaff, like Tortilla Man, has no hair.
Connelly also suggested that Pfaff “even moves like the new guy,” offering the following videos as proof:
Meanwhile, a different Reddit user noticed that Pfaff’s wife is following the #tortillaman hashtag on Instagram, adding further fuel to the fire:
“I just did a little digging on Instagram. I searched Micheal Pfaff. Looks like his account is pfaffit. Went through his followers. Found who I presume is his wife. She is inactive since 2013, BUT she follows 4 accounts and 1 hashtag. 1 of the accounts is Slipknot. The hashtag?? #tortillaman.”
Is Connelly’s theory correct? It certainly seems plausible, but who knows? Lots of people have a similar height and build to Tortilla Man. Also, I never assumed that Tortilla Man is actually bald — he could very well have hair under that mask, which covers his entire noggin. So while Connelly’s argument is convincing, I still think there’s a chance his thesis is incorrect.
Incidentally, I saw Dirty Little Rabbits live once, almost ten years ago, and singled out Pfaff for criticism. Whoopsie.

[via The PRP]