Video: Man Shamelessly Rocks Out to Exhorder on the NYC Subway
If you’re not following the Instagram account SubwayCreatures, you’re missing out. Next to RigsOfDad — unquestionably the best account on Instagram — SubwayCreatures is one of the most entertaining pages in existence, providing a candid window into the weirdos, scumbags, assholes and plain old characters that ride NYC’s subway every day.
In a post this weekend, someone captured a hesher rocking out hard, no fucks given, to Exhorder’s “Exhorder” (from Slaughter in the Vatican) while waiting for the train. Numerous commenters have identified the man as Metal Mike, who they say is known for putting on exactly this kind of display around the city wherever and whenever he feels like it. You could be famous for being Taylor Swift, you could be famous for being Kanye, or you could be famous for being Metal Mike, the dude who’s known for rocking the fuck out on the subway. I’d choose the latter every time.